Transition Year Programme 2015/2016
End of Year Ceremony
On Thursday 19 May the activities of the Transition Year Programme 2015/2016 were celebrated at an End of Year Ceremony at the College attended by Fourth Year Students and their parents. The evening was co-presented by Harry Deacon and Olivia Masetti-Nolan who introduced the various acts which ranged from presentations on the year's trips, work experience, outward bound/PE and extra-curricular activities to music, dancing and a poetry recital. At the end of the evening the students were introduced by their form teachers to receive their TY Certificates, Fainne and Gaisce Awards. Last up was the presentation of the SAC Alumni Association awards to the students who best embodied the Transition Year Programme 2015/2016.
We hope that those students travelling to Uganda this week have a safe and happy time away and we wish the others all the best with their work experience placements.
For photographs taken on the night please click here.