Monday Morning Assembly
A Principal's Wish during Covid-19
Mrs. McCormack has been busy writing a poem for Monday Assembly. We hope you like it!
A Principal’s Wish During Covid-19
We didn’t see it coming, this school closure of ours
A news briefing told us, you will be closed in a matter of hours
Tomorrow teachers and pupils, a different reality awaits
A new day of learning but away from the school gates
Our school is silent now, no children play in the yard
The corridors calm and empty, a lone blue jacket stands on guard
Classrooms dark and still, not a school bag to be seen
Only an echo of voices, the promise of what could have been
Yet like the Spring days around us, new life starts to bud and bloom
Dreams, ideas and hope spills outwards from the artist’s workroom
Teachers dig deep into their magical box of tricks
To create lessons, meaning and connection with a couple of clicks
Your school building may be empty, but your school carries on
With its beating heart, its mission, its theme of belong
Though subjects and specialisms, projects and plans
Know that we walk with you, always taking your hand
My wish for you my children and community who I hold dear
That you stay safe, stay well and that you flourish without fear
These days will be over, it’s just the world taking a pause
And it will be you who rises triumphant, to be met with applause.